krait.config module

This module is used to configure the behaviour of Krait when a request arrives and when its response is sent. Currently, this module is used to configure routing and the client-side cache.

The members of this module should only be changed from .py/, later changes are ignored.


class krait.config.Route(verb=None, url=None, regex=None, target=None)[source]

Bases: object

Signifies a route that incoming requests can take.

  • verb (str, optional) – The routing verb (most HTTP verbs, plus ANY and WEBSOCKET). See Route.route_verbs for options; GET by default
  • url (str, optional) – The URL to match, or None to skip
  • regex (str, optional) – The regex to match, or None to skip
  • target (str, optional) – The target of the route, or None to keep default target (extracted from URL)

str – The routing verb


str, optional – The URL to match, or None to skip


str, optional – The regex to match, or None to skip


str, optional – The target of the route. None keeps default target (extracted from the URL)

route_verbs = ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'CONNECT', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE', 'ANY', 'WEBSOCKET']

The route verb options.

krait.config.routes = None

list of Route – The list of routes to be read by Krait. The default is all GETs to default targets, deny anything else. If you override this, the last route should be a default one (Route()) to allow GET requests to reach resources that aren’t explicitly routed (like CSS or Javascript files)

krait.config.cache_no_store = []

list of str – The list of filename regexes that the clients shouldn’t cache.

krait.config.cache_private = []

list of str – The list or filename regexes that only private (client) caches should keep. This usually means that browser caches can keep the resource, but not shared caches.

krait.config.cache_public = []

list of str – The list of filename regexes that can be kept in any caches.

krait.config.cache_long_term = []

list of str – The list of filename regexes that can be kept for a longer time. This duration is configured with krait.config.cache_max_age_long_term This is a modifier, so it can be applied to both private or public cache directives.

krait.config.cache_max_age_default = 300

int – The number of seconds that clients should not re-request the resource. This corresponds to the Max-Age of the HTTP response, for public or private (and not long-term) cached resources.

krait.config.cache_max_age_long_term = 864000

int – The number of seconds that clients should not re-request the resource, for long-term cached resources. This corresponds to the Max-Age of the HTTP responses, for long-term, public or private, cached resources.