Source code for krait._http_request

import collections
import urllib

[docs]class Request(object): """ Represents an HTTP request. Objects of this class are created by Krait before passing control to your Python code. The variable :obj:`krait.request` is an instance of this class. Args: http_method (str): The HTTP method in the request. Values: 'GET', 'POST', etc. url (str): The URL of the requests, without the query query_string (str): The URL query http_version (str): the HTTP version; only 'HTTP/1.1' is supported headers (dict of str str): The HTTP headers sent by the client body (str): The body of the request Attributes: http_method (str): The HTTP method in the request. Values: 'GET', 'POST', etc. url (str): The URL of the requests, without the query query (dict of str str): The query extracted from the URL, parsed in a dict. """ MultipartFormData = collections.namedtuple("MultipartFormData", ["data", "name", "filename", "content_type"]) """ A named tuple to hold a multipart form entry. """ def __init__(self, http_method, url, query_string, http_version, headers, body): self.http_method = http_method self.url = url self.query = Request._get_query(query_string) self.http_version = http_version self.headers = headers self.body = body
[docs] def get_post_form(self): """ Extract the HTTP form from a POST request. This is done on demand. Returns: dict of str str: the HTTP form data. """ return Request._get_query(self.body)
[docs] def get_multipart_form(self): """ Extract an HTTP multipart form from the request body. Returns: list of :obj:`Request.MultipartFormData`: the HTTP form parts. """ content_type_multipart = self.headers.get("content-type") if content_type_multipart is None: print "Error: asked for multipart form, but the request's content-type is missing." return None value_fields = content_type_multipart.split(';') if value_fields[0].strip() != 'multipart/form-data' or len(value_fields) != 2: print "Error: asked for multipart form, but the request's content-type is " + content_type_multipart return None boundary_field = value_fields[1].strip() if not boundary_field.startswith("boundary="): print "Error: asked for multipart form, but the request's boundary is missing (full value '{}')" \ .format(content_type_multipart) return None boundary = boundary_field[9:] if len(boundary) >= 2 and boundary[0] == '"' and boundary[-1] == '"': boundary = boundary[1:-1] boundary = "--" + boundary boundary_next = "\r\n" + boundary result = [] found_idx = 0 if self.body.startswith(boundary) else self.body.find(boundary_next) while found_idx != -1 and self.body[found_idx + len(boundary_next):found_idx + len(boundary_next) + 2] != "--": end_idx = self.body.find(boundary_next, found_idx + len(boundary)) result.append(self._get_multipart_item(found_idx + 2, end_idx)) found_idx = end_idx return result
def _get_multipart_item(self, start_idx, end_idx): """ Extract a single multipart entry from the request body. Args: start_idx: The start index in the body. end_idx: The end index in the body. Returns: :obj:`Request.MultipartFormData`: The multipart entry starting and ending at the specified points. """ part_headers_start = self.body.find("\r\n\r\n", start_idx) part_headers = self.body[self.body.find("\r\n", start_idx) + 2:part_headers_start] data_start = part_headers_start + 4 part_data = self.body[data_start:end_idx] part_name = None part_filename = None part_content_type = "text/plain" for header_line in part_headers.split("\r\n"): if header_line == "" or header_line.isspace(): continue colon_idx = header_line.index(':') header_name = header_line[:colon_idx].strip().lower() header_value = header_line[colon_idx + 1:].strip() if header_name == "content-type": part_content_type = header_value elif header_name == "content-disposition": disp_items = header_value.split(";") if disp_items[0].strip() != "form-data": continue # next header line for item in disp_items: item_strip = item.strip() if item_strip == "form-data": continue # next item if item_strip.startswith("name="): part_name = item_strip[5:] if len(part_name) >= 2 and part_name[0] == '"' and part_name[-1] == '"': part_name = part_name[1:-1] elif item_strip.startswith("filename="): part_filename = item_strip[9:] if len(part_filename) >= 2 and part_filename[0] == '"' and part_filename[-1] == '"': part_filename = part_filename[1:-1] # after processing all headers return Request.MultipartFormData(part_data, part_name, part_filename, part_content_type) @staticmethod def _get_query(query_string): """ Extract a dict from a string in the URL query format. Args: query_string (str): A string in the key=value[&key=value...] format Returns: dict of str str: The extracted key: value pairs. """ if query_string is None or query_string == "": return dict() result = dict() for field in query_string.split('&'): items = field.split('=') if len(items) == 1: result[urllib.unquote_plus(items[0])] = "" else: result[urllib.unquote_plus(items[0])] = urllib.unquote_plus(items[1]) return result def __str__(self): """ Convert a request to a string according to the HTTP standard. Returns: str: The HTTP data for the request. """ return "{} {}{} {}\r\n{}\r\n{}".format( self.http_method, self.url, ("?" + "&".join( ["{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in self.query.iteritems()])) if self.query is not dict() else "", self.http_version, "".join(["{}: {}\r\n".format(k, v) for k, v in self.headers.iteritems()]), self.body )